Ráðstefna um mat og matarmenningu - tungumál fæðunnar

International Seminar


 Education, health, pleasure Education and Nutrition in Dialogue

February 21-23, 2008

 International Center Loris Malaguzzi - Reggio Emilia, Italy 

The Reggio Emilia Municipal infant-toddler centres and preschools with their experience, promote a culture of food that links tradition, innovation, research, taste, welcoming and conviviality, trying to create deep relations between the nutritional education promoted b y the early childhood services and the city community.


The International Seminar “The languages of food” would like to offer an  occasion of professional development on different topics related to nutritional, pedagogical and sociological aspects. It aims at providing an encounter among different fields of knowledge in order to share, to exchange, to go deeper into reflections about choices and experiences that are part of our life.


The context of the Seminar would also like to create opportunities to share, analyze and discuss questions and answers based on processes of learning related to education and health.


The awareness that education towards health and taste, at school, in our families and in the environment that surrounds us, from our point of view is an important investment for the growth and the future of young generations and is guiding us in the organization of this International Seminar.


The Seminar has also the aim to provide an encounter among the languages of food and aspects of education, health and the pleasure of eating and socializing. The Seminar has the goal to give a contribution from the Reggio Emilia experience to national and international debates around issues such as education, nutrition and eating disorders.

The programme of the Seminar will include:

• An encounter with the Reggio philosophy

• exchanges of experiences between the participants and the

protagonists of the Reggio experience

• exchanges of experiences between the participants and International

experiences about education, nutrition and health

• a cultural visit to the town of Reggio Emilia

• visits to the Reggio Emilia Municipal and Cooperative infant toddler

centres and preschools

• visit to elementary schools

• laboratories in the schools’ kitchens

• roundtables with national and international experiences

• visit to the International Centre Loris Malaguzzi

• visit to exhibitions


The organization of the days will be based on plenary session, lectures, presentations, discussion groups and workshops.


Individual participation fee: 500,00 Euro (VAT included)

Spaces limited to 200 participants

Languages: Italian and English


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