Viltu fara í námsferð til Reggio Emilia?

Students and professors


 March 2-5, 2008


 International Center Loris Malaguzzi


 Reggio Emilia, Italy  


Since 2005 Reggio Children has offered students and professors coming from all over the world the possibility to visit Reggio Emilia and to encounter its educational approach, through the participation in study groups. The encounter that takes place in Reggio Emilia should give a support to previous studies and learning processes of the approach that participants have already had in the contexts where they come from.We believe the participation of students and professors together will give to all the participants the opportunity to exchange points of view, impressions, reflections, understandings and therefore create dialogues among their different experiences.  


The International Students and Professors Study Group aims at providing a deeper knowledge of the Reggio-approach through a direct experience strongly connected with the infant-toddler centers and preschools of Reggio Emilia. Welcoming students and professors and collaborating with them in our context  is also an occasion for us in Reggio to increase, by exchanging points of view and experiences, the value of our work. 


This year the participants in the Students and Professors International Study Group will also have the opportunity to meet students of the new International Master Course for Pedagogical Coordinators organized by Reggio Children and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.   


The program of the study group will include: -         a deep encounter with the values of the Reggio philosophy-         plenary sessions, discussion groups-         exchange of experiences between the participants and the protagonists, pedagogistas, teachers, atelieristas and parents of the Reggio experience-         visit to the town of Reggio Emilia-         visit to the Reggio Emilia Municipal and Cooperative infant-toddler centres and preschools-         visit to the International Centre Loris Malaguzzi, to the exhibitions    “Play + Soft“ – furniture for children, “Dialogue with places”, “One city, many children”, the Atelier “Ray of light” and the Documentation and Research Centre.


 The organization of the days will be based on plenary sessions, lectures, presentations, discussion groups and workshops.  


Participants: early childhood students and professors from Colleges, High Schools, Universities.*priority will be given to groups of students with their professors coming from the same context 


Individual participation fee: 450 EURO (+ VAT if due)Spaces limited to 200 participantsLanguages: Italian and English Further information at www.reggiochildren.itEmail:   

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