Prófasvindl með iPod

Fyrir nokkrum árum sagði frönsk vinkona mér að í háskólanum sem hún starfar við hafi á þeim tíma verið sérstakar konur sem fengu að líta undir slæðu múslimakvenna og þar hafi starfað verðir sem hefðu það skemmtilega hlutverk að skoða eyru stúdenta. Konur með sítt hár máttu helst ekki vera með það slegið.  Allt var þetta af ótta við rafeindasvindl. Ég rak bara upp stór augu og varð, voða hissa.  En rakst á þessa grein í Seattle PI áðan sem sýnir að þetta er global vandamál - sennilega meira að segja á Íslandi. Held að íslensk ungmenni séu jafn fljót að átta sig á möguleikum tækninnar og jafnaldrar þeirra í öðrum löndum. Það heitir víst sjálfsbjargarviðleitni hjá sumum þeirra.


"Schools trying to nip cheating in the earbud

Some instructors banning iPods in class


Where technology goes, cheating soon follows in the classroom.

Many schools long ago banned cell phones after discovering that answers could come via text messages.

And now the underhanded have turned to iPods, recording answers and then listening to them as they have an exam in front of them.

At the University of Washington, instructors know that students use electronic devices to cheat.

So some won't let students bring gadgets to class, and others restrict what a student can bring, said Gus Kravas, special assistant to the Office of the Provost who deals with student conduct in the College of Arts & Sciences. He has not heard of an instance of a student using an iPod to cheat on an exam, but there have been cases where students were suspected of using text messaging.

"It's on our radar screen, and we are concerned, and we've always felt that the best way of dealing with situations like that is prevention," Kravas said.

Seattle Public Schools isn't aware of a growing problem of iPod cheating, spokesman David Tucker said.

"We actually encourage that students don't bring any kind of electric devices that aren't geared toward educational advancement," he said

IPods and their nefarious use has the attention of other schools across the country. Schools in Mountain View, Idaho, banned them after learning students were downloading formulas and other material.

IPods and Zunes can be hidden under clothing, with just an earbud and a wire snaking behind an ear and into a shirt collar to give them away, school officials say.

"It doesn't take long to get out of the loop with teenagers," said Mountain View High School Principal Aaron Maybon. "They come up with new and creative ways to cheat pretty fast."

Shana Kemp, spokeswoman for the National Association of Secondary School Principals, said she does not have hard statistics on the phenomenon but said it is not unusual for schools to ban digital media players.

"I think it is becoming a national trend," she said. "We hope that each district will have a policy in place for technology -- it keeps a lot of the problems down."


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